"Women are not the only ones who get headaches in bed and suddenly do not want to knock boots. People who say that for a man to refuse his wife sex it means he hates her, does not love her or is cheating, do not know what they are saying. There is an emotional side to men and once that part is suffering, the man himself starts to suffer and if he does not get relief. It starts to affect his work, his relationships with people and yes, his wife and their sex life."


"Talk may be cheap but the truth is that someone who is always on something - good or bad – will eventually find themselves mostly linked to it. Why do you think Arnold will always be the terminator or Snipes will always be blade? Why do you think Patience Ozokwor will always be the evil wife and/or mother and Okon will always be the "clown"? Why is it that when I say; “I don port oh!" virtually every one of you reading this knows who I am referring to ..."

Honesty In Matters Of ThE Heart – Part One

"If I've seen women with no womb, sterile men, divorcees with kids they didn't lie about and hide, HIV positive people and even those with terminal illness tell the truth and still get married, why can't you? Respect and love your partner enough to tell the truth. You owe them that much."

Romance Wey End Because of Mr Biggs

"In a nutshell, he was complaining that the girl did not come to his home to see him but asked that they go to an eatery to sit and talk and for that he called her everything from a gold digger to a thief, a cheap girl to a hungry child who wanted to eat his money and turn him to a maga. The guy was livid and made sure he called her every name imaginable on that post plus jara."


"The world is big enough and Facebook large enough for us all to post what makes us happy and live with the same happiness."


"She said it touched her so much and that so many other things I had said and done over the years had changed her and made her a better person. She kept saying to me that I wa a good man and a truly lovely soul who blessed her. "you came down because of me," she kept saying."


"Some of the folks on their timeline migrate to this person's own and some get hooked! You are basically doing free publicity for someone who does not care about your opinion on their page's content!"


"...not all things are bad, sometimes some people have confused their own personal ideals and preferences as what is good for others and that does not work. What is meat to one is poison to another. This is where love, open and honest communication as well as compromise, comes in. "